Hello Everyone, I wanted to ask a few questions that I have been asked to get the groups input. 1. I have a friend that has a problem DBT, it is continually getting shell rot, we treat it with (Gentian Violet) 3 times a week for about 2 weeks (Turtle turns purple) and the shell begins to come back to normal, the turtle loses a few scutes and then appears to be fine within a few months. The problem is that over the past 7 years the turtle get shell rot every year like clock work. Any suggestions? 2. The same turtle is a northern DBT and has been alone for many year but from time to time lays infertile eggs in the water. She just did this again on 12-9-00. Other then theses problems the turtle is fine eats great, very active and other wise very healthy. What do you all think?????? Thanks Everyone, Dave P