Hi Julie, I bought the 7″ female from Rick Memorial Day last year as a hatchling. So she’s pretty much 1year old to the date. I fed her at least 4-5 times a days as a hatchling. A mixture of Reptomin and Zoo Med everyday (Mostly Repto). Live goldfish once a week. And shrimp a couple of times a week. Once she got to be about 3-4 inches I scaled back her feedings to about 3-4 times a day. (Morning, lunch, night) For a while, I started feeding her mostly Zoo Med and I noticed a dramatic slow down in growth. I switched back to more Repto and she started growing quickly again. Crazy thing is, she’s always hungry and still wants more! The male in her tank sometimes gets a little bloated from so much feeding, but she never does. I have picures of her (Dixie) under my name in the files section. They were taken several months ago and she is at least 2 inches bigger now. I’m going to start measuring my knew hatchlings to determine exactly how fast they’re growing. One of them is definitely outgrowing the rest. Vincent