Chun, Where I am from, as you could guess, we have special ways of dealing with problem racoons. I have had incidents in the past with racoons, skunks, and opposums. I will go ahead and razz up a few “conservationists” yet only discuss the more humane deterents here. I will also note that by eliminating natural predators of these bandit bastards, humans have caused a population explosion in urban areas. If you are not within city limits you are free to use a 12 ga. or 22cal. rifle to deter them. If within the city limits you have to resort to a fenced yard with a large dog that has a taste for the furry guys. Or to better relieve some frustration, a late night, can of sardines, and a heavy pipe. If you are not a good runner then a trap of any sort combined with any of the above will also serve well as a deterent. I just thought the mesh was a little boring. I bet you will now have some of the same remorse as me when you see a road killed coon. good luck, Scott — In, “Chun-Ming Chew”