I tried to feed the Texas female today. I had some minnows and goldfish. I put her in a seperate container along with a smaller female I have had for awhile. The little female ate like a pig. The big female didnt seem too interested in the minnows and goldfish. But she did nose a few fish and looked as if she was going to strike, but never did. Then the big female saw the little female and started biting at her madly. I quickly seperated them and no one was hurt. BUt, I am wondering, was she trying to eat her? Or was it more of a territorial aggression? I have no idea. The big female is about 8.5 inches and the little one is about 4 inches. I was following advice that the big female would learn to eat by watching the other one eat. Tommorrow I will try shrimp and see what happens. I have another captive bred female that is very aggressive too. She is housed alone. She attcks any other diamondback I put in with her no matter how much bigger they may be. I wish my terrapins were more friendly with each other so I wouldn’t have to have so many different set-ups. thanks, Jason — Jonathan Helms