— In diamondbackterrapins@y…, emneil@s… wrote: Hi emneil – welcome to the group. I’m sure there are plenty of us here that have had to deal with shell rot in one form or another. For starters, I wonder if it might not be a bad idea to add a little rock salt to your pond water. You don’t have to make it brackish, but about a cup for each 20 gallons seems to do the trick for me. I used to have bouts of fungus and SCUD all the time until I restored salt into my terps’ water. There are many in the group that do not use salt but I think it’s a good idea if there’s a problem with fungal infections. This is normal for a terp with SCUD. They instinctively spend most of their time out of the water when their shells are diseased. Just make sure that none of the affected areas have soft, putrid cottage cheese-like material. If present, the infection should be scraped out and cleansed appropriately. In addition, make sure that blood is not visible as this may indicate septic infection that will have to be treated with antibiotics. Pictures of his shell might help but otherwise, it sounds like you’re on the right track. Be patient though because it can take a while to beat and the scarring takes months to years to heal. Best of luck! Chun, Tail Moderator