I use incandescent bulbs, 75 or 100 watt for heat, and GE Full Spectrum Sun lights for fluorescent for the amazing price of $4.79 each! Before any of you chew on me about UVBs and all that, the “experts” disagree with each other about what’s right and not right and I would say that the “proof of the pudding is in the eating,” or does it work? I raise lots of varieties of little turtles up, several generations later on some of them, and not only are the GE’s cheaper than special “reptile bulbs,” but they last longer. I’ve been using them for several years now. I was turned on to them by several commercial lizard breeders who have used them for even more years. (Do I sound defensive or what? Anticipation……..) Of course, nothing replaces the sun. Most of my turtles get moved outdoors after one year. -Rick Van Dyke bassethound@… wrote: