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Home › Forums › Diamondback Terrapins › feeding??
So I just want to start by saying I am brand new at caring for Diamondback’s and turtles period for that matter. I just got 2 babies 4-5 days ago by chance. I found them trapped in a pile of trash/debris beside my house left over from the flooding we had by Hurricane Irene. They are only an inch big each and they still had what looked like an umbilicilal piece on the bottom shell when I found them. Nothing attached to it though. I actually just found out they were diamondbacks today after days of endless searching the internet through pics & old articles on hundreds of different types. I actually found 3 but 1 had already passed away and the 2 I have were just barely hanging on so I decided to keep them and try to “nurse” them back to health. I have them in a freshwater 20g tank with a 100w basking light (I have several lizards so I already had all this stuff on hand) and I went out and got 4 different kinds of food, not knowing which they would want I just got them all, lol. I have ZooMed hatchling formula, Reptomin mini pellets, baby shrimp & Krill. I seen 1 of them eat 1 peice of the krill but that was it & the other I haven’t seen eat a single thing yet unless they are eating overnight while im asleep? They have already made a great improvement though over the past few days since they wasn’t moving or responding at all when I found them and now they are swimming all of the tank and basking all the time! But I am still worried they are not eating? I read an article that said the first week or 2 they dont eat much if at all because they soaked it in through their yolk sack? Is this true? Just wondering if this may be why they arent eating or if its still something wrong? I really want them to survive and be healthy so any help getting me on the right path is greatly appreciated! Chanda
It is illegal to collect terrapens from the wild in Virginia. You should release your turtles.