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Home › Forums › Diamondback Terrapins › help! terrapin may be dead
one of our dbs is completely limp but not stiff, we are not getting any reaction from him, he seemed fine last night although we had been dry docking due to possible shell rot – if he is just limp is he still alive??
It is possible that he may still be alive. Does he respond at all? Have you done CPR on it? (And no you dont do it like you would on a person). Lay it flat on a counter stretch out its head and neck as far as it can, then take the front legs at the elbows so they wont ben and strech them out then press them in. This inflates and deflates their lungs. do this several times and see if he opens his eyes.
my boyfriend just tried this – thank you – but no reaction . .. his eyes were already open . . . it happened so fast, he was fine 8 hours ago we have him sitting in some water with his head propped up but i don’t have much hope for him, he seems completely lifeless, but maybe he is in shock. i am looking up reptile vets but if he is already gone . . . is there any way to tell for sure?